Sawn Timber consistent measures and humidity, the industry standards for packaging and pallets. We Certification KD HT in PR number BR 334 Registered in the Ministry of Agriculture.
Lumber Green or Dry
Timber used for any purpose, shaped as required, options for wood is also kiln dried.
Chip: Clear for process; Biomass
Clean - For MDF and Paper Industries. Biomass - Used for burning in boilers and furnaces.
Wood Furniture
Sawn Timber in the special grade without pith, especially for applications in Wood Furniture. Special Dry Option around 12%.
Treatment Plant KD HT
Timber pine: boards 1 "x 3" / 4 "/ 5" / 6 "/ 7" / 8 "x 2.50 meters and 3.00 meters used in construction.
Pine Fence
Used in Construction Markets as commonly in the United States.
Parana Forest - Linha Atual Indústria e Comércio de Madeiras Ltda Rua Dr. Murici, nº 3400 - Bairro Costeira - Sao José dos Pinhais - PR - Brasil CEP: 83015-290 Phone : + 55 41 3382 1466